27 lekcija
This course offers an in-depth exploration of digital ethics and philosophy, examining the impact of digitalization on society, individual rights, and human behavior. Through lectures, critical discussions, and case studies, participants will delve into topics such as privacy, AI ethics, digital identity, and the moral responsibilities of technology users and creators. Students will develop a nuanced understanding of the ethical challenges posed by digital technologies and learn strategies for navigating these issues thoughtfully and responsibly.
27 lekcija
Lekcija: 27
By exploring current and emerging ethical challenges in the digital domain, students will acquire future-ready skills, positioning them to lead and innovate in a technology-driven world with an ethical and human-centric approach.
The course enhances digital literacy by providing insights into the mechanisms and implications of digital technologies, preparing students to engage more effectively and safely in the digital world.
Participants will learn to navigate the ethical landscape of digitalization, gaining the tools to make informed decisions that consider the broader societal impacts, ensuring responsible use and development of digital technologies.
This course sharpens critical thinking skills by challenging students to analyze and debate complex ethical dilemmas posed by digital technologies, fostering a deeper understanding of the nuanced interactions between technology and society.
digital transformation
Stevan se bavi programiranje vec vise od 5 godina. Magistar je u oblasti računarskih nauka. Od jezika mu je najbliskiji Python i JavaScript. Radi i sa ReactJS, NodeJS, Django. Od baza poznaje i relacione i nerelacione, a najviše koristi MySQL i MongoDB.